
<< Back to Album "Life Journey" from Life Journey
by Dave Bainbridge & David Fitzgerald Released in 2009 Track: 13 / Time: 9:05
As I think about the opening violins weaving in and out I am drawn to Mary's words on page 125 - 'hold the moment'. Too often we rush from the Spirit's Presence, whether in corporate worship or in our private devotions, and miss the best of what God has for us. We come to him with our list of requests but fail to hear what He would have us pray about or what revelations He has for us. That is perhaps why there is a tinge of sadness towards the beginning of this piece. He longs to commune with us, to walk with us, for us to share in all that He has, and more importantly all that He is. For our destination is not a place - but a person. The famous passage in Revelation that Mary quotes on page 128 'I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.' is aimed at the church..
But then we are back on familiar ground, with the flute theme first heard on the opening track. Our journey is not in vain. Once again the St Mary's church bell call us to action, this time louder and more insistent and first the Northumbrian pipes, joined presently by unison sax and electric guitar remind us that if we keep our eyes fixed on God each day of our journey, our lives will be an adventure far greater and more colourful than we could possibly imagine.
We end as gentle waves and birds (recorded by Mark on Lindisfarne) wash over us like waves of His Spirit, cleansing us and renewing us.