
<< Back to Album "As the Touch" from Life Journey
by Dave Bainbridge & David Fitzgerald Released in 2009 Track: 6 / Time: 3:39
I think the tenor sax and main pad keyboard on this were the first take we did together - a truly inspired few minutes. I know the tempestuous waves and wind in the opening don't sound at all like the 'gentle wave on a windswept shore' or the 'summer breeze' that Mary mentions in her illustration!
However we wanted to get across the idea that putting oneself in a place of vulnerability can actually be pretty scary - like being out on the lake in the storm. All our bases of security, whether they be familiar things around us, the need to be in control, the need to look respectable, the need to avoid placing ourselves in dangerous situations, disappear as we make ourselves vulnerable, relying totally on our God to lead us. Do we trust him enough to step out of the boat, like Peter, and walk on the water, our eyes fixed totally on Him? Ironically it is only in this place of vulnerability that we will find the peace and fulfillment that our spirit yearns for.